The Christmas Spirit Article To Help You Enjoy The Holidays … Now!

Eric Ardan
2 min readDec 26, 2020

There I was, a struggling believer trying to get used to the idea that Christmas was going to SUCK, this year not be different SUCK!

I was pretending that it didn’t bother me.

The big problem was that it just seemed liked everyone had given up on having a good old traditional family Christmas like we do every year with both sides of our families, which meant it would be the first time in my 48 years that my family wouldn’t be getting together for the holidays.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened…

I got a text from my mom on Christmas Eve saying to Hell with letting this virus and these out of control tyrannical governors trying to shut us down and keep us from continuing our 48 year old tradition!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to bring all of us together in a safe and responsible way to save our family Christmas tradition, because I saw That the spirit of Christmas is stronger than the fear of an over reaching out of control government and a virus with a 98.7% survival rate..

My plan was to start getting all the gifts loaded into the Jeep. Then preparing everything I would need to make me and the wife our traditional Christmas Breakfast of Baked French Toast, eggs, bacon and hash browns with American cheese. Yum!

So I woke up uber early and started cooking breakfast and making coffee for the wife. After that.

We then took some time for ourselves and hung out with Boo Boo, and Mi Mi, our two big baby pit bulls and enjoyed some coffee talk.

After that, we Headed out to Mom and Jake’s to celebrate Christmas and keep our family tradition of 48 years alive .

Building on that success, we decided to Keep the good times and Christmas spirit alive by going by Amy’s parents.

We call it “Christmas With Corona”.

With Christmas With Corona I can now look back at the year that was 2020 and say that even with all the adversity and hardship that was suffered, from facing a pandemic that has a survival rate of 98.7%, tyranny and a culture that is in full on meltdown mode that 2020 will be a year that will not easily be forgotten.

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can remember the the year that was 2020 also!

